Monday, May 16, 2011

Why should anyone consider green jobs?

1. Green jobs may pay up to 20 percent more than other jobs. As  America transforms itself  to a new green economy, green-collar workers will be in demand. Many companies are paying higher wages to workers with green-collar skills. Green-collar jobs provide living wages and allow everyone to share in the benefits of the middle class.

2. Green jobs are and will continue to be plentiful. Consider a State that, for example, creates legislation requiring houses to improve in energy efficiency. This legislation may mean that windows need to be replaced, heating and cooling systems upgraded, alternative technologies installed, and energy efficient appliances considered. Now, think of all the houses in one State alone. Do you think there are enough workers in that State to get this job done? In most cases, there are not enough trained workers. There will continue to be opportunities in green-collar jobs as we transition to a new green economy. Greencollar businesses continue to grow and hire staff despite the economic downturn.

3. Green jobs are not just for scientists. Green jobs are for everyone! The green economy needs salespeople, installers, carpenters, technicians, cooks, tree planters, and people in traditional blue-collar jobs that have green-collar skills. Many green-collar jobs require more education than high school, but less than a college degree. Job Corps centers are a great location to develop the training and skills needed for green-collar jobs.

4. Becoming trained in a green-collar vocation provides advantages over those people who are already in the workforce. Employers look for skills and experience. Students may be concerned that they won’t have enough work experience to get a job once they graduate. However, green skills may put them at the top of the list over someone with more experience.

5. Green jobs are often found close to home. Wouldn’t it be great to have a job in your own community? Cities, counties, and businesses are looking for local workers to plant community gardens, install solar panels, and weatherize homes. It is very expensive to bring in these workers from other locations and, in most cases, this work can’t be shipped elsewhere.

6. Green jobs help to protect and improve our environment. The human population is currently using up the Earth’s resources at a faster rate than they can be produced. We are digging up coal and pumping oil that pollute the planet, result in a rapidly changing climate, and create health problems for people and animals. We need to find ways of supporting ourselves and protecting the planet at the same time. People who work in green-collar jobs are making homes more energy efficient and are planting urban trees to absorb carbon dioxide.

Dreamfedjob - Turning unemployed into employed.

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